
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


The Devil and Joan Rivers: The Truth Behind The CNN Walk-off Interview

Joan and the DevilWhat can I say about Joan Rivers?  She certainly knows how to remain in the public eye.  I’ll give her this… she doesn’t give up.  Here is a woman who says anything she feels like saying regardless of the consequences and makes no apologies for it.  You have to kind of respect that in this sickening PC environment we’ve created for ourselves.  Every week another public figure is apologizing for something stupid they’ve said that managed to insult one group or another.  Right or wrong, no one ever just stands their ground.   That is, except for Joan Rivers!  She certainly goes for it.  Love her or hate her, she’s still sticking around.

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Exclusive! Harrison Ford Leaves Hospital After Ankle Injury

A Know It All Joe Exclusive!  Video of Harrison Ford leaving the hospital after he injured his ankle on the set of “Star Wars Episode VII.”

Oh, come on! Have a sense of humor. It’s all in good fun. And I can’t imagine the real thing being too far off. 😛

Read more on Exclusive! Harrison Ford Leaves Hospital After Ankle Injury…

The Amazingly Horny Spider-man

First off, this is a tad racy so if you are easily offended, avoid this article and click HERE for fuzzy feelings.

And with that said, from the look of these pictures, it seems as though someone has a full-on spider chubby. Shame on you, Spider-man. You have both Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane to handle these types of things.

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Does Online Dating Work? Part Deux: Examining the Dating Profile

Once again, before we delve into it, please enjoy yet another Know It All Joe’s virtual recreation of a real first date from an online dating service.

I love reading online dating profiles. From the lazy one sentence profiles that read “I don’t like talking about myself so write me if you want to know more” to the straight out rude ones that make statements such as “No Fatties Allowed.” It makes me laugh. Human nature is great. Or at the very least, extremely entertaining.

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Superman Moots the Movie “Gravity”

I realize this has been around for a while, but I still get a big kick out of it.  So for those that haven’t seen this, you’re going to love it.  And if you don’t, then I beg you to go straight to Amazon and add a sense of humor to your wish list.  I know they can be expensive but maybe someone nice will see it on there and purchase it for you.  Then come back here and watch it again. 

Read more on Superman Moots the Movie “Gravity”…

The Second Greatest Prank Call of All Time!

Richard Christy and Sal GovernaleSo as long as I’m on a prank call roll, I thought I’d throw one more in.  This is probably my favorite prank call done by Richard Christy of the “Howard Stern Show” on SiriusXM.  Richard and his comedy partner, Sal Governale, routinely do prank calls on the Stern Show.  This one, though, has always stood out to me.  I remember the first time that I heard it, I just couldn’t stop laughing.  And I was amazed at the complexity of it.   So once again, I present another prank call for your pleasure.

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One of the Greatest Prank Calls of all Time!

Jim FlorentineThe comedian Jim Florentine is undoubtedly one of the best prank callers of all time.  I’m sure everyone has their favorite prank call, but I’ve been reciting this one with a good friend of mine for years now and it shows no signs of slowing.  It just never gets old.  I present it here for your audio pleasure.  I’ve also included a PDF of the transcript for this call.  Enjoy!

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