
Know It All Joe

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot (in Original Trilogy Style)

Star Wars The Force Awakens TV Spot End Title CardAre you old enough to remember the TV spots from the original “Star Wars” trilogy?  You know — with the “Star Wars” music blaring, the quick cuts of our heroes in action, lots of energy, gun fire, lightsabers!  Well these are the things that I feel are missing from the new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” advertising campaign.  Yes, there is some action and lightsabers, but its missing the fun and excitement from what came before.  It’s just too passive.

I have no doubt the film will kick all kinds of serious ass, but I really want this to feel like a “Star Wars” film going into it other than the fact that they gave us Harrison Ford and the Millennium Falcon in a few shots. 

Star Wars Original Trilogy Commercial Title CardSo I tried my hand at yet another “Star Wars” TV spot.  And this time, I tried to mold it in the form of the “Star Wars” commercials from thirty plus years back.  You can find it below. 

On a side note, I included one shot of Luke that’s a bit of a cheat.  It’s not from the film.  I grabbed it from elsewhere just so I could make this a more complete spot.  Also, since the film isn’t yet rated, I’m guessing that it might be given a PG.  Five of the six films were PG.  “Revenge of the Sith” was PG-13. (Update: They officially rated the film PG-13, but I’m just going to leave it ‘as is’ in the spot.)

Underneath the new spot I just recently created is the original one I did a few months prior.  With that, I just tried to give it more energy then what they were giving us at the time. 

And under that is a compilation of the original “Star Wars” trilogy spots from back in the day.

And finally, I’d like to add that this line of dialogue from the below TV spot is just fucking stupid.  For some reason I can’t let it go, so I’ll vent it here.

“I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people.  I see your eyes.  I know your eyes.”

I just can’t get over how creepy it sounds.  I don’t know if it’s just the dialogue or the way it was read.  Either way, it makes my skin crawl.  Let’s cut with this nonsense and just give us “Star Wars” already!

Less than a month to go.  I’d tell you the date, but you already know it.  I’m sure you’ve already got your tickets.
