
Know It All Joe

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“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Promo Art (Plus Opening Crawl Video)

Star Wars The Force Awakens Title CardSome new promo art has surfaced for the upcoming December 18th release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”  Various photos highlight the likes of Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, R2D2, C3PO, BB-8, and many others.  

How are we still three months away from this?  In the meantime, I’ve added a well done, fan-made opening crawl from YouTuber jedsithor just to get you jumping up and down for its eventual release.  The new artwork follows.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Full Cast Photo Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 1 Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 2 Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 3Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 4Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 5Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 6Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 7Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 8Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 9Star Wars The Force Awakens Promo Art 10
