
Know It All Joe

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“Star Trek: Discovery” Paley Center Exhibit Photos

I’ve been a Star Trek fan since the day I was born.  Or so it would seem to me.  Because I don’t ever remember when I didn’t watch Star Trek in one form or another.   It started with the original series and worked its way from there.  I wasn’t born when the original series aired, but thanks to syndication, I was quickly able to catch up.  Well, quickly in terms of only the one episode a day that aired, not like the binge-watching apps we have today.

“Star Trek: Discovery” is the first new Star Trek series to hit the small screen since “Enterprise” went off the air back in 2005.  Since then, we’ve only had the Abrams-verse Star Trek films to tide us over.  I enjoyed those movies for what they were, even though they weren’t the Star Trek I was used to. But hey, I’m open for change.  

Now when it comes to “Discovery,” just like the Abrams-verse movies, I enjoy it for what it is.  It’s definitely different from the previous small screen Star Trek’s we’re used to.  It took a while for it to find its footing, but it has grown on me.  I dig that it’s trying to be its own thing, while attempting to stay in cannon with the other shows and movies that came before. 

And with that said, there is this really cool exhibit at the Paley Center for Media in Los Angeles that is based entirely around “Star Trek: Discovery.”  It spans two floors.  On display are costumes, props, prosthetics, and even a Captains chair you’re allowed to sit in and take photos.  They do have a minor VR experience you can check out while there, but, in truth, it wasn’t really that impressive.

This exhibit will be at the Paley Center until July 7 so if you’re a fan of the show or just want to see some cool costumes and props, I recommend checking it out.  And best yet – It’s free.  Just show up.  Or if you don’t live in the Los Angeles area, check out the pics below.  I think I’ve captured most everything there.

To visit the Paley Center website, click HERE.

Exhibit Hours:
Wednesdays to Sundays, noon to 5:00 pm 
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

The Paley Center for Media in Los Angeles
465 N. Beverly Drive, at S. Santa Monica Blvd.
