
Know It All Joe

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Scripting Through Time: “The Horns of Nimon” Doctor Who Script

I’ve been a huge ‘Doctor Who’ fan since before I could drink and fu…. uh, err, ummm… I mean to say drink milk and have fun.  Yay!  Milk and fun. 

The Horns of Nimon (4)My first and favorite ‘Doctor Who?’  Why Tom Baker of course.  I’m not ashamed to admit that I used to go to ‘Doctor Who’ conventions when I was a kid.  Though I may not admit it on a first date – or a second, maybe third or tenth date.  Probably best to wait until after the wedding.  (Let’s just say that I’m very happy ‘Doctor Who’ has finally gone main stream.) 

I even managed to get a Tom Baker autograph when I was a kid.

Tom Baker Autograph

So I came across this old ‘Doctor Who’ shooting script and I thought you might enjoy it.  It’s for an episode called “The Horns of Nimon” from season 17 during Tom Baker’s run. 

Tom Baker Doctor WhoI think Tom Baker’s success in the role of Doctor Who can be attributed to the fact that he was the first to bring youth and a crazy energy to the character.  He redefined the role of a mad finicky older scientist by making him a mad finicky younger scientist.  The thing about Tom Baker was this — He wasn’t playing Doctor Who.  He was Doctor Who.  After watching many interviews with him, it always seemed to me that it was Doctor Who who was playing the role of Tom Baker and not the other way around.  That to me is how much I felt he owned the role.  And he redefined it.  I do strongly believe that without Tom Baker there may very well be no ‘Doctor Who’ today.  His appearance in the “50th Anniversary Special” was very much a welcomed surprise.

Horns_of_nimon“The Horns of Nimon” was originally broadcast on Saturday, December 22, 1979 on BBC.  I think this shooting script may just be part 1 of the four part adventure.  Page 3 in the script gives a full outline of the episode so I won’t bother repeating the synopsis here.  And who really cares?  It’s a Tom Baker ‘Doctor Who’ adventure.  Enjoy!

Click HERE to view the script.
Doctor Who Horns of Nimon cover

Here are a few old interviews with Tom Baker back in the day.  I found them entertaining.
