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Full Trailer: “Pee-wee’s Big Holiday”
Know It All Joe’s “Star Wars Episode VIII” Wish List
Before “Star Wars Episode VIII” comes out on December 15, 2017 there is actually only one thing on my wish list I’d like to see in the film. I want the following picture to come true.
Read more on Know It All Joe’s “Star Wars Episode VIII” Wish List…
“Star Wars Episode VIII” First Footage (Video)
Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars: Episode VIII” has just begun filming in London and the folks over at Disney and Lucasfilm have released a ‘production teaser’ from the first day.
In the footage, it seems they are picking up from were “Star Wars Episode VII” left off. Daisy Ridley’s Rey has tracked down Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker to return something he lost long ago.
Read more on “Star Wars Episode VIII” First Footage (Video)…
“iZombie” Is Like A Sore On My Tongue!
When it comes to bad TV shows or movies, I tend to always give the acting a pass. I usually focus my sites on the other things wrong with them such as the writing, directing, effects, or editing. I don’t usually notice the acting unless it’s just crazy bad or lazy. For some reason, I’m just very forgiving of it.
It’s A Shiny, Brand New “Batman v Superman” Trailer (and Poster)
What most likely is the last new full trailer for “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has arrived this morning.
There’s new footage to be found in it, including a kick-ass Batman scene, but the theme pretty much remains the same. Batman doesn’t trust Superman because of that Metropolis destructo-fest in “Man of Steel” and decides to do something about it.
Read more on It’s A Shiny, Brand New “Batman v Superman” Trailer (and Poster)…
Who Is In “The Flash’s” Multiverse? (Video)
Marvel’s “Agent Carter” Visual Effects Reel (Video)
Marvel’s “Agent Carter” has scored a Visual Effects reel online.
CGI has always worked best when it supplements the image and doesn’t fully engross it. And this twelve minute reel is a perfect example of CGI done right.
Read more on Marvel’s “Agent Carter” Visual Effects Reel (Video)…
Now You Can Fly to Gotham City or Metropolis (Videos)
Aired during Superbowl 50, Turkish airlines aired a couple of fun commercials advertising the fact that they now fly to the fictional Gotham City (home of Batman) and Metropolis (home of Superman).
Read more on Now You Can Fly to Gotham City or Metropolis (Videos)…
The Superbowl Movie Trailers
Every year the Superbowl finds its way to unveiling new footage from upcoming movies and this year was no different.
Here are some short (mostly) thirty second spots from the following films: X-Men: Apocalypse, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Captain America: Civil War, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Independence Day: Resurgence, Deadpool, and Jason Bourne (followed by it’s first official poster).