
Know It All Joe

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Bieber’s Deposition & the Shia LaBeouf Bag of Shame

Bag of ShameIt’s time to proclaim another one of Shia LaBeouf’s Bag of Shame.  There is nothing more I would love to do than to give it to Justin Bieber.  If anyone deserves it for his bratty behavior, well, it’s him.  Especially after watching this little snots behavior below.

Read more on Bieber’s Deposition & the Shia LaBeouf Bag of Shame…

Know It All Joe asks “Does online dating work?”

Before we get into it, please enjoy this Know It All Joe’s virtual recreation of a real first date from an online dating service.

Let’s face it – internet dating has been here since the dawn of time, only we didn’t have the internet for most of it.   To think that it all probably started out with a few cave drawings and has slowly worked its way to the iPad.  We’ve come so far in terms of evolution over the centuries and have really made great strides in global communication, but yet we still have a very difficult time communicating with one another on a personal level.  There are just so many questions still; so many puzzles to be solved in terms of human nature and personal interaction.  And yet, with all these wondrous mysteries to be explored, there is only one question at the moment that I have a real burning desire to ask…

Read more on Know It All Joe asks “Does online dating work?”…

Bryan Cranston on Playing Lex Luthor

Breaking Bad Superman vs Batman

Bryan Cranston (of “Breaking Bad” fame) was on Howard Stern’s radio program this morning to promote his new Broadway Play which begins this week (he plays former President Lyndon B. Johnson in “All the Way.”).  Of course the subjects of “Breaking Bad” and the casting rumor of him playing Lex Luthor in the new “Superman” movie came up.  And this being Stern, the topics of him getting crabs, having threesomes, and wishing death on an ex-psycho girlfriend worked its way into the conversation as well.

Read more on Bryan Cranston on Playing Lex Luthor…

Doctor Who Season 8 Behind the Scenes

Doctor Who CapaldiI know these videos have been making the rounds lately but I wanted to throw them up here anyways.  They were taken during some on-location filming of “Doctor Who” season 8.  I, for one, am very much looking forward to what they have planned for this new season.  And I thought that Peter Capaldi was a real bold choice to play the next incarnation of the Doctor.  And let’s face it folks, if this show was produced in the U.S., they would have cast the role young again to appease that all important demographic.  Now I’m not exactly knocking that, but I do love the brave decision that the BBC made in casting the role older again (and thereby keeping the formula fresh).  I think that Capaldi is going to knock it out of the ballpark.

Read more on Doctor Who Season 8 Behind the Scenes…
