
Know It All Joe

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“Kung Fury” is HERE! The Most Awesome Short Film You Will See This Year! (Video)

Kung Fury Title CardThe internet is broken folks! And you have Swedish director David Sandberg to thank for that. Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign (raising over $630,000 from over 17,000 contributors) he has brought us one of the most kick-ass short films that the internet (still broken) has ever seen.

What’s it about you ask? It’s a fun, exaggerated throwback to ’80’s schlocky B-Movies.  Only there’s nothing schlocky about this film. 

From the films official website:

Kung Fury ImageMiami Police Department detective and martial artist Kung Fury time travels from the 1980s to World War II to kill Adolf Hitler, a.k.a. “Kung Führer”, and revenge his friend’s death at the hands of the Nazi leader. An error in the time machine sends him further back to the Viking Age.

Kung Fury PicLet me add to that description. It’s got time travel, kung-fu Hitler, dinosaurs, Vikings with  machine guns, a giant Thor, Nazis, robots, crazy Martial Arts, a talking cartoon cobra, and to top it all of — David ‘f…ing’ Hasselhoff.

If I was currently a teenager in the ’80’s and saw this, everything for many years thereafter would have been “Kung Fury!”

Here’s the 31 minute short film followed by David ‘f…ing’ Hasselhoff’s awesome music video. How can you not love this guy?  The “Kung Fury” trailer follows after that.

