Veronica Mars (2014) Recipe Card Movie Review

Veronica Mars (2014)
2014-03-14 05:10:57
Released March 14, 2014 /
Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Comedy /
Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Comedy /
Cook Time
1 hr 48 min
- Stars: Kristen Bell, Enrico Colantoni, Jason Dohring, Ryan Hansen, Tina Majorino,
- Chris Lowell, Percy Daggs III, Francis Capra, Krysten Ritter
- Written by: Rob Thomas & Diane Ruggiero
- Directed by: Rob Thomas
- On the eve of graduating law school, Veronica Mars has put Neptune and her amateur sleuthing days behind her. While interviewing at high-end New York law firms, Veronica Mars gets a call from her ex-boyfriend Logan who has been accused of murder.
- Veronica heads back to Neptune just to help Logan find an attorney, but when things don’t seem right with how Logan’s case is perceived and handled, Veronica finds herself being pulled back into a life she thought she had left behind.
- Make no mistake of it – ‘Veronica Mars the Movie’ is for ‘Veronica Mars the fans.’ This is very much a TV reunion movie and not a stand-alone feature film. And this comes from someone who is a real fan of the series.
- These reunion things never seem to recapture the magic of the series they’re based on, especially once they’ve been off the air for an extended period of time. The only one in recent memory that nailed it was the Joss Whedon feature film “Serenity” based on the “Firefly” TV series. And I have to tell you, Rob Thomas is no Joss Whedon. Thomas is TV good, but he’s not Feature Film good. He’s stuck on the small screen and so is this film. I know they only had a limited budget to work with (funds mostly contributed by fans through Kickstarter), but I still can’t help to think they couldn’t have gone bigger and been more creative with it rather than turning it into an overlong episode of the television show (which is exactly what it is).
- But on to the main question – will the fans of the show like it? And the answer is… probably. There is enough fan service to the series here to get one excited for the show they once loved. But I got to tell you, coming from this fan, I felt it fell short. I didn’t need all of the winks and nods. I just wanted to see a show I once loved on the small screen evolve into something larger on the big screen. I didn’t get that. I got a CW reunion episode that was, quite frankly, awkward to watch. If I was to pinpoint the one major thing wrong with it, it would be this… the chemistry was gone. It had been just too long since the series had ended for these actors to really find their characters again. The interactions didn’t feel right. The movie felt off.
- I just can’t help to feel there were so many missed opportunities with this film. I would have loved to see the creators expand upon this franchise and incorporate it into a larger world. Instead, they choose to keep it small and high schoolish. But if their main goal was to say ‘thank you’ to the fans, then I would say they most likely achieved that goal.
Know It All Joe
Citation * The Instructions are from the Official Site for the film.