Tomorrowland (2015) Recipe Card Movie Review

- Stars: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Brittany Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Kathryn Hahn,
- Tim McGraw, Judy Greer, Keegan Michael Key
- Written by: Jeff Jensen, Brad Bird, Damon Lindelof
- Directed by: Brad Bird
- From Disney comes two-time Oscar (R) winner Brad Bird’s riveting, mystery adventure “Tomorrowland,” starring Academy Award (R) winner George Clooney.
- Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank (Clooney), jaded by disillusionment, and Casey (Britt Robertson), a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known only as “Tomorrowland.” What they must do there changes the world-and them-forever.
- Featuring a screenplay by “Lost” writer and co-creator Damon Lindelof and Brad Bird, from a story by Lindelof & Bird & Jeff Jensen, “Tomorrowland” promises to take audiences on a thrill ride of nonstop adventures through new dimensions that have only been dreamed of.
- “Tomorrowland” is a strange creature. It’s a film I was really looking forward to seeing and one that I should have really enjoyed. But instead, I just walked away feeling ‘meh.’ It’s a good looking film with some really good ideas in it. And it certainly kept my interest throughout.
- So where does it sort of go wrong? Well, to be quite frank, it’s a two hour movie that ultimately leads to a preachy conclusion. As I left the film, I sort of felt like a sat through a two hour PSA. Now don’t get me wrong. The movie’s not boring. And the message it conveys is noble. But it does come across a little too simplistic and I feel maybe a little out of place for what’s supposed to be nothing more than a fun little fantasy film. I don’t know about you, but when I go to see a movie like this I would like to forget about the harsh realities that await me on the outside of the movie theater.
- Another problem with the movie is that the characters were just not that interesting. I didn’t really care about their plight or find the whole thing that intriguing. From what was sold to us in the trailers, I expected to have a lot more fun than I did. I wanted to see something new and different. Maybe even a world we haven’t seen before on film. I wanted to see “Tomorrowland.” But instead, I just got ‘Averageland.’
- And then there’s George Clooney. I generally don’t find him that terribly interesting as an actor. It’s not so much that I dislike the films he’s in. Some are very good. But I find that when he speaks, he just has trouble emoting. Every time I see him in a movie, I never see him playing a character. I just see George Clooney acting. And I think his casting might have hurt this film a bit. A more interesting actor might have made this movie more engaging.
- So I would think that a movie with robots and jet packs and futuristic cities and ray guns and portals and spaceships would make for a real kick-ass film. But the whole thing really just felt ‘by the numbers.’ The character’s emotions just seemed forced and a bit lifeless. And I found it was a bad creative decision to open the film with Clooney essentially addressing the audience for the first few minutes. It was a slow, boring, and cheesy way to start the film. I have a feeling that if the movie was reedited and tightened, it would probably play better.
- “Tomorrowland” is not the worst film you can see this summer, but it’s certainly not the best one either. Overall, I found it to be just ‘okay.’