
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


Pics from “The Flash” Finale (Spoilers)

The Flash TV Series Pic 36There is no question that the CW show “The Flash” has been hitting it out of the ballpark all season long.  It’s my personal new favorite show of the TV season.   And I think the reason for that is because they seemed to have found the right balance of ‘stand-along villain of the week’ and their compelling season long-arc.  Of course, add to that a mix of both good casting and great special effects.

Read more on Pics from “The Flash” Finale (Spoilers)…

New “Arrow” and “The Flash” Extended Previews plus Full PaleyFest Panels (Video)

Flash Arrow PicThe “Arrow” and “The Flash” did panels at this years PaleyFest in Los Angeles this past Saturday.  I’ve included both presentations below in case you missed the live streaming.  But what you won’t see in the panels are the sizzle reels with new scenes for upcoming episodes that the live audience got to see.

Read more on New “Arrow” and “The Flash” Extended Previews plus Full PaleyFest Panels (Video)…

Reverse Flash Photos from the Set of “The Flash”

Reverse FlashSome new photos have popped up from the set of “The Flash” currently filming in Vancouver, Canada.  These were taken on October 8, 2014.  In the photos, the Flash is apparently not doing so well against his arch enemy, the Reverse Flash.  The pilot for the show was actually very entertaining and did very well in the ratings.  Expect to see it stick around for quite a long while.

Read more on Reverse Flash Photos from the Set of “The Flash”…

Batmobile in Action – New Video Footage & Pics from “Batman v Superman”

Batman batmobileI present to you some more video and various street shots of the new Batmobile from “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” 

You know, no matter how many times I say that title, I hate it more and more each time.  It’s just not growing on me.  Not the “Batman v Superman” part.  Though I really hate the ‘v.’  Just say ‘vs.”  It’s the “Dawn of Justice” part that grates on me.  It just sounds so passive aggressive.  And I hate passive aggressive. 

Read more on Batmobile in Action – New Video Footage & Pics from “Batman v Superman”…

Batmobile Stolen/Recovered from Set of “Batman v Superman?

New BatmobileThere was a rumor going around the other day that the Batmobile was stolen from the set of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” currently filming in Detroit.  But after speaking with producers, police confirmed that no theft had occurred.  The Batmobile was safe and sound.  But then the below picture surfaced.

Read more on Batmobile Stolen/Recovered from Set of “Batman v Superman?…

Video of the New Batmobile in Action from “Batman v Superman”

Batman v Superman Teaser Trailer Image 6Some video has popped up of the new Batmobile in action during the filming of a scene for the upcoming “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” flick.  Admittingly, it’s not all that exciting, but it’s something.  The movie is currently filming in Detroit. 

Read more on Video of the New Batmobile in Action from “Batman v Superman”…

New Photos of Batmobile from “Batman v Superman” * UPDATED WITH NEW OFFICIAL PHOTO

Batman v Superman Teaser Trailer Image 6Update * Director Zack Snyder just released an official photo of the new Batmobile (most likely because they other photos had leaked).  I’ve included the photo at the bottom of the page.  Now seeing a clearer picture, it is pretty badass looking.

Read more on New Photos of Batmobile from “Batman v Superman” * UPDATED WITH NEW OFFICIAL PHOTO…