
Know It All Joe

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Batmobile in Action – New Video Footage & Pics from “Batman v Superman”

Batman batmobileI present to you some more video and various street shots of the new Batmobile from “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” 

You know, no matter how many times I say that title, I hate it more and more each time.  It’s just not growing on me.  Not the “Batman v Superman” part.  Though I really hate the ‘v.’  Just say ‘vs.”  It’s the “Dawn of Justice” part that grates on me.  It just sounds so passive aggressive.  And I hate passive aggressive. 

Dawn of the Justice LeagueI’m going to assume the title means “Dawn of the Justice League” considering all of the other superheroes rumored to make cameos in the movie.  And if that happens to be the case, then just call it that.  It sounds cooler.  Think about it: “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of the Justice League”  Cooler, right?  Okay, I’m vented.  I’ll let it go now. 

The video is courtesy of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Youtube Channel.  Ugh, that title!  Letting it go.  Letting it go.  The pictures are courtesy of

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