
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


New “Captain America: Civil War” Pics

Captain America Civil War Title CardWe’re still a year out from the new “Avengers”, errrr, I mean “Captain America: Civil War” flick, but lots of pictures have been appearing online from its location shooting.  With all of the various superheroes appearing in this one, it really does feel like a new “Avengers” film.  And I’m okay with that.

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“The Flash” Finale Time Travel Breakdown (with Pics)

The Flash Title Card“The Flash” aired its season finale last night.  (So Warning!  Spoilers Ahead) It was titled “Fast Enough” and centered on Barry’s quest to save the life of his mother.  With the help of villain (and mother killer) Eobard Thawne/Harrison Wells and a reactived partical accelerator, Barry was able to summon up enough speed force to travel back through time.  As he did, he was able to see flashes of his own future.  I’ve added those future pics below.  Lets go through them.

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Video & Pics of The Joker and Harley Quinn in “Suicide Squad”

The Joker & Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Pic 10Some new video and pics have popped up online showing Jared Leto and Margot Robbie as the characters of The Joker and Harley Quinn from next years “Suicide Squad.”  Robbie is sans Harley makeup so it’s possible this is a scene before she made her transformation into the number one gal of the clown prince of crime.

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“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” TV Trailer (Plus Screenshots)

Legends of Tomorrow PicThe CW just released a trailer for next year’s “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” a spin-off from both “Arrow” and “The Flash.” It’s a bit SPOILERY (as is possibly this article) so you’ve been warned.  But I’m sure you’ll watch it anyway.  I know I would.

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New “Supergirl” Full TV Trailer (with Screenshots)

Supergirl Pic 77CBS released a six and a half minute trailer for its new superhero show “Supergirl.”  Superman does exist in this world, but he’s apparently off doing… something.  In other words, Warner Bros is most likely saying… nah!  Movies only!   I’m surprised they are letting them use Supergirl.  But unlike “Smallville” this super-heroine is allow tights and flights.

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New “Vacation” Red Band Trailer

Vacation Title CardAhhhh, 1983!  What a year!  Jedi!  That’s what I remember.  That’s all I remember.  As for “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” the first and best in the “Vacation” series, I can’t honestly remember if I saw it in the theater or on video for the first time.  Since it was rated ‘R’ I was definitely too young to get into the theater by myself.   I probably saw it on video.  Either way, what a great film.  And Christie Brinkley.  Yes, there was definitely Christie Brinkley!  I do remember her from ’83.  So Jedi and her. 

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The Story Behind Attending a Live Taping of “The Big Bang Theory”

The Big Bang Theory Title CardHave you ever wondered what it would be like to watch your favorite TV sitcom live in person? Just think, your favorite actors in their familiar settings only just a few feet away from you? You could just literally reach out and touch them (though I would strongly suggest you don’t do that). Well, if you live in or visit Los Angeles, there is a good chance you could see a taping of your favorite show.

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